And you can be part of it by choosing to refuse single-use plastic items this month! Read on for tips and ideas based on years of experience.

Simple swaps to avoid single-use plastics

Think about all the plastics and disposable items you encounter each day. With a little prep, you can avoid quite a few.

Get started by gathering a few reusable essentials: 

  • A water bottle to fill up for free at water fountains when you’re out and about.
  • Shopping bags so you can say “no thanks” to carry bags at the checkout.
  • A cutlery set for lunch on the go. Grab spares from your kitchen drawer or picnic basket, or get a dedicated set like this cute cutlery kit from Ruck Rover in Northbridge.
  • An airtight container for restaurant leftovers or takeaway meals. (Tip: Use the BYO Containers website to find places that are happy to pop food into your reusables. You can also add places that you find to their map!)

The most sustainable solution is always to use something you already have, but if you need to invest in something new, look for durability and a design that you love.