Spring School Holidays | Visit Perth
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Spring School Holidays

Step into the shoes of an astronaut and take a spacewalk with Oculus Quest VR headsets (8+).
  • Help bush animals figure out ‘What’s in the Box?’ in a curiously delightful puppet show. 
  • Go on a Power Trip in the Chevron Science Theatre. 
  • Soar from the ground to the stars as we ‘Dream to Fly’, a planetarium show on the history of aviation.
  • Crack the code in a Lego coding challenge.  ‍
  • Plus, Telethon Kids Institute workshops! 
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    Event Showings

    There's more time to explore these school holidays, with doors open from 9am* daily (usually 9.30am)! *Special opening hours of 9am - 4pm are during the school holidays only (Sat 23 September – Sun 8 October 2023).

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    Ticketed event

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    City West Centre, cnr Railway and Sutherland Street

    West Perth WA 6005

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    ACROD Parking

    Wheelchair access