Restoring Kelp Forests | Visit Perth
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Kelp in ocean

Restoring Kelp Forests

Find out how scientists are restoring this crucial habitat.

Kelp forests used to dominate coastlines around the world, but an accelerated loss of kelp is happening globally. How can we restore these crucial forests at the scale needed, whilst giving them the best chance to survive in a changing ocean? Trialling restoration techniques using rocks seeded with baby kelp could be the answer.

About Georgina Wood

Georgina Wood is a postdoctoral researcher at UWA’s Oceans Institute. Her work revolves around the ecology and genetics of coastal environments and developing solutions to the challenges that these systems face, both now and into the future. Georgina is a passionate science communicator and has delivered various marine ecology-themed workshops for local councils, schools and non-government organisations.

This event is run in partnership with the UWA Oceans Institute.

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    Event Showings

    Thurs 11 August 2022, 6.30pm to 7.30pm

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    573 Hay Street

    Perth WA 6000

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