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By Mark Haslam and kdmindustriesis (WA)

Can you handle the Truth?
The next big thing from kdmindustriesis is FAKE: a joyously chaotic deep-dive into alternative truths, fact checkers, AI, scams, conspiracy theories, polarisation within society and the general distortions of reality that are the hallmark of contemporary life.
In FAKE, the audience experiences multiple realities simultaneously, viewing the work from between two massive video screens while the performers move through, around and above them.  A beaten up sound-truck (the TRUTHMOBILE) sits in the middle of the space and spits out content: Live web scrapes from 4chan, Reddit and TikTok mixing with news broadcasts, ChatGPT, audience submissions, live video and pounding beats in a live snapshot of what the world is believing right now.
Part performance, part installation, part rave: FAKE is an event unlike any other, and guaranteed to be a completely new show every night.
Choose your colour, pop your pill and enjoy the ride... 
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    Event Showings

    2 May | 7:30pm

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    Ticketed event

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    The Rechabite

    224 William Street

    Northbridge WA 6003

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