Accessibility - Transportation & Services in Perth | Visit Perth | Visit Perth
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Accessibility within Perth

Accessibility - transportation & services in Perth

The City of Perth’s Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2021-2025, identifies the outcomes the City of Perth will achieve to improve access and inclusion for people of all abilities. It outlines key actions that will be implemented to reduce and eliminate barriers within our City and to advocate for equity of access for all in our society.

The City of Perth strives to be a universally accessible city for all people, including people with disability. It has pedestrian friendly streets and public spaces that are designed according to universal design principles, and continuous accessible paths of travel link public transport, parking, retail, business and entertainment areas.

Getting around

  • Accessibility

    Streets in the City of Perth incorporate kerb ramps, tactile indicators and in the central area, crossings have audible signals. The shopping malls and arcades are accessible and provide seating, shade and accessible drinking fountains. Cafes also provide outdoor seating. Major public buildings, arcades, post offices and most churches, and theatres are accessible. 

    Accessible public toilets are located throughout the City. In the central area, the City of Perth facilities at the Citiplace Rest Centre (Perth Railway concourse) provide convenient services. Other accessible toilets are located in semi-public buildings such as the State Library, Art Gallery, bus stations, Carillon Arcade, Allendale Square, Barrack Square and stores such as Myer, Woolworths and David Jones. 

  • Public Transport
    City bus, train and ferry information is available on the Transperth website or by contacting the Transperth information line on 136 213. If you have a hearing impairment and require assistance contact the Transperth Hearing Impaired TTY on (08) 9428 1999.  
  • CAT bus

    Perth Central Area Transit (CAT) buses provide a free, frequent and wheelchair accessible bus service in Perth City. There are four routes via the red, blue, yellow and green CAT buses. For more information and timetables view Transperth's timetable page. As Perth City is within the free transit zone you can also travel on other buses within the City of Perth boundaries, without paying a fare. 

    Visit Transperth’s Bus Accessibility website for more details regarding accessible bus routes and services.  

  • Train and Ferry

    Transperth provide public train services for the Perth City area. All trains are accessible for people with disability. All trains have clearly marked spaces for people who use a wheelchair near the doors, all stations have audio induction loops at help points and the Ticketing Information and Communications boxes at many train stations provide visual information about train arrivals and departures. If you require assistance at a train station call 1800 800 022 one hour in advance of your arrival.

    Visit Transperth’s Train Accessibility website for more details regarding accessible routes and services.  

  • Ferry
    Transperth operates public ferries within the City of Perth. There are currently two ferries that are fully accessible for people who use a wheelchair; the ferry from Barrack Street Jetty to Mends Street Jetty (South Perth and the Perth Zoo). 
  • Taxi

    The Taxi User Subsidy Scheme is available for people with disability, which prevents them from using public transport services or accessing standard on-demand transport such as charters. For more information about the Taxi User Subsidy Scheme visit the Department of Transport’s website.

    The following Taxi companies provide easy accessible taxi services: 

    • Swan Taxi’s – (08) 9422 2240 (request an Easy Access Perth vehicle);  
    • Maxi Purpose Taxi’s – 0406 559 313 (request a Wheelchair Accessible Maxi); and  
    • Black and White Cabs – 133 222 (request a Wheelchair Accessible Maxi).  

    It is advisable to book taxi’s in advance.  

  • Parking
    The City of Perth recognises international and interstate Disability Parking Permits. These can be used for up to 3 months after arrival in Western Australia, after which an ACROD permit needs to be obtained via the ACROD Parking Program.

    An international disability parking permit is recognised in Western Australia only if it features the international symbol for access – a white graphic of a figure in a wheelchair, facing right.

    For further information please visit the ACROD Parking Program website or call (08) 9242 5544. If you are deaf and/or find it hard hearing or speaking with people who use a phone, contact through National Relay Service

    Only vehicles displaying a valid ACROD permit is permitted to park in an ACROD bay.
  • Street Parking

    ACROD Bays

    The City of Perth offers accessible parking bays (commonly known as ACROD bays) across the City. ACROD parking bays are clearly identifiable using the international symbol of access on both the parking sign and the road/bay surface. 

    From the 1 February 2021 street ACROD parking bays in the City are no fee payable, time restrictions may still apply and a valid Australian Disability Parking Permit and ACROD Parking Program Card must be displayed.  

    There are no parking concessions in ACROD bays; ACROD permit holders must follow the restrictions outlined on the signage. 

    General Bays

    In general street parking bays ACROD permit holders have concessions equivalent to twice the time specified on the parking sign (for example 1P means you can stay for two hours). After the purchased time expires ACROD permit holders may remain for the same time again at no extra cost (for example pay for one hour of parking and you can stay for another hour for free). General parking bays do not include loading zones, clearways, bus zones, taxi zones, charter vehicle bays, etc.

    Further information is available at Visit Perth Parking or contact the City on (08) 9461 3333.

  • City of Perth Carparks

    ACROD permit holders can receive up to 2-hours free parking with the purchase of a minimum 1-hour parking in City of Perth Parking (CPP) car parks. This concession only applies to hourly rates and doesn’t apply to block rates i.e. day rate, night rate.

    This concession is available to ACROD permit holders in both non-reserved general bays and accessible bays. Accessible bays are marked with blue diagonal lines and signage displaying the international access symbol. 

    CPP Pay and Display car parks

    Purchase a ticket and display it on the vehicle dashboard with your valid ACROD permit.  The ticket will remain valid for an additional 2-hours after the expiry time.

    CPP Boom gate entry/exit car parks:

    Collect ticket at entry boom gate. Before exiting the car park, visit the Service Desk on the ground floor of the car park with your ticket and valid ACROD permit.  

    The car park officer at the Service Desk will take payment of a minimum 1-hour parking and view the ACROD permit to validate up to 2-hours free parking. If the Service Desk is unattended use a ticket machine and press the assistance button to validate the parking.

    For more information about City of Perth parking visit the City of Perth Parking website.

    For other car park provider information visit Wilson Parking and Secure Parking.

Accessibility services

  • Assistive Equipment Hire
    Wheelchairs and motorised scooter hire is available at nominal rates from the Citiplace Community Centre, Perth Railway Station Upper Level between 8am and 3:45pm on weekdays. A $50 deposit and proof of identification are required. Bookings are advisable and can be made by calling (08) 9461 3550 or (08) 9461 3551.
  • Accessible Documents
    The City of Perth has a policy on providing accessible public information for people with disability in alternative formats, on request. Please contact the Community Services Unit on (08) 9461 3333 if you require a document in an alternative format. 
  • National Relay Service

    The National Relay Service (NRS) provides a range of telephone services for people who have a hearing impairment or speech impediment. There are no additional costs to use the service. 

    How does the NRS work and how do I place a call?  

    All calls are relayed through a confidential relay officer, who acts as the central link in the call and ensures calls go smoothly. Call options can be made through a range of devices including from computers, tablets, mobile phones, an ordinary phone or a TTY (a special phone with a small keyboard and screen).

    There are many ways to engage with the NRS, including the following options:

    Textphone / TTY

    • TTY services are available for people who have access to a TTY telephone.   
    • To place a call dial 133 677;
    • When requested, dial the area code and telephone number of the person you are calling; and
    • The relay officer will introduce themselves to the caller and will relay the messages.

    Internet Relay Call

    • An internet relay call is essentially the same as a TTY call, however instead of using a TTY machine to call someone using an ordinary phone you use the internet to type your message;
    • To make the call, access the NRS website and click on the ‘Make an internet relay call’ tab on the right side of the webpage; and
    • Once connected to the relay service, the relay officer will telephone the person you wish to phone and the call will proceed.   

    SMS Relay Call

    • Send an SMS to 0423 677 767;
    • The message should include the number you wish to call and your name, the name of the person you wish to contact, the message to be conveyed and if you require a response; and
    • If you enter a conversation, the relay officer will stay on the line until instructed that the conversation is complete.

    These services are the most popular services provided by NRS, however there are more services available. For information on this and tips about making calls using the NRS system visit the NRS website.

  • Changing Places

    The City has two Changing Places facilities. Changing Places are secure, clean facilities for people with disability who need space and assistance to use the bathroom when out and about in Perth City. Changing Places are not standard accessible toilets – they include a hoist, adult changing table, automatic door and space for two people to assist the user with their needs. 

    The Changing Places facilities are located at: 

    • Elizabeth Quay – located near the water park; and  
    • Citiplace Rest Centre – 378 Wellington Street, Perth WA 
      City Accessibility Initiatives 
  • Accession and Inclusion Advisory Group
    The City of Perth’s Access and Inclusion Advisory Group (AIAG) consists of residents and regular visitors to the City of Perth who are passionate about universal access, are living with a disability or care for someone with a disability. The AIAG acts as an advisory body on City of Perth universal access initiatives and issues affecting access and inclusion for people.  

    For more information visit the City of Perth’s Access and Inclusion Advisory Group webpage. For further information please contact the Community Services Unit on (08) 9461 3333.
  • City of Perth Library

    The City of Perth Library building is designed to be accessible for people with diverse abilities. See – About Your Library
    Our collection includes an excellent range of physical resources available in different formats – large print, books on CD, and DVDs.
    Our digital collection includes an additional range of resources that can be accessed through apps designed to enhance accessibility and ease of use.
    A computer with Zoom text software and a modified keyboard and mouse are available for use in the Library.

    The City of Perth Library is located at 573 Hay Street, Perth. Contact the City of Perth for more information on (08) 9461 3500 or visit the City of Perth Library’s webpage.

  • Citiplace Community Centre

    The Citiplace Community Centre is a unique, accessible central city facility provided by the City of Perth for everyone. Services include meals, meeting rooms for hire, arts, social games, physical and life-long learning activities, wheelchair and motorised shoprider hire and accessible toilets. 

    Open: Monday - Friday, 8am - 4pm
    Closed: Saturday, Sunday and public holidays
    Located on the Upper Level, Perth Railway Station, Wellington Street, Perth.
    Contact: (08) 9461 3550 or (08) 9461 3551

  • iCity Visitor Service

    Accessibility friendly activities
    The City of Perth offers a wide range of accessibility-friendly outdoor and indoor activities for everyone to enjoy. From showcasing beautiful iconic buildings, navigating to discover our city, and exploring public art works reflecting the City’s identity, both past and present. All of our iCity tours are wheelchair friendly.

    iCity Visitor Centre
    iCity Visitor Centre provides a comfortable environment for all guests to visit and access. The City of Perth recognises international and interstate Disability Parking Permits. The City of Perth strives to be a universally accessible city for all people, including people with disability. It has pedestrian friendly streets and public spaces that are designed according to universal design principles, and continuous accessible paths of travel link public transport, parking, retail, business and entertainment areas.

    The iCity Visitor Centre provides an open space low bench height at our front counter, with welcoming and inclusive staff. The iCity Visitor Centre is here to provide help to all visitors.

    Person in wheelchair being assisted by a volunteer at iCity Kiosk