Book of the Month
Book of the Month is here to help you find time in your life for books. We'll choose one title a month and provide you with access to the eBook and eAudiobook version, so you can listen during your commute, while you're exercising and doing chores, or read on your phone in those moments you'd normally be scrolling social media.
Join the Facebook group to stay up to date with new titles, share your opinion of the books with other members, and enjoy being part of a community of likeminded readers. You can join or leave any time—we’ll be here for you whenever you have time to participate.
To join, visit:
Have a question? You can email us at [email protected].
Join the Facebook group to stay up to date with new titles, share your opinion of the books with other members, and enjoy being part of a community of likeminded readers. You can join or leave any time—we’ll be here for you whenever you have time to participate.
To join, visit:
Have a question? You can email us at [email protected].
Event Showings
Join online, start reading any time.
573 Hay Street
Perth WA 6000