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Seeing Value in Our Imperfections with the Art of Kintsugi – Leederville (31 October)

Everyone over the age of 18 is welcome to attend.
In a world that gives us the impression that everything needs to be perfect and new, Kintsugi teaches us to not hide our imperfections but embrace them as part of the human experience. Join us on a creative and liberating journey to self-acceptance.
Learning Outcomes
1. Find value in and connect with the imperfect.
2. Gain an understanding of the philosophy of Kintsugi.
3. Experience the art of Kitsugi in practice and create your own piece to take home.
Location: North Metropolitan TAFE, Oxford St & Richmond St, Leederville, WA 6007
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    Event Showings

    Date: Monday 31 October | 10am - 12pm

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    Free event

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    Oxford St & Richmond St

    Leederville WA 6007