Co3 Contemporary Dance presents Killjoy by Parkin Projects
Killjoy is a cult horror film meets live dance-theatre work inspired by the Japanese ‘salaryman’ phenomenon. A satiric look at toxic capitalist culture and an individual's pursuit to find meaning in the corporate world. The work explores parallels between the psychological demands of professional dancers as compared to white-collar workers climbing the corporate ladder. In this world, movement is exhaustive, repetitive and laborious. A comment on overwork and burnout.
Worlds collide as strategies misalign. Time is irrelevant here…
This season of IN.HOUSE is curated by Raewyn Hill and supported by City of Perth.
The development of Killjoy has been supported by STRUT Dance through its 2022 SEED Residency Program and its Groundworks season.
All tickets $20+bf.
Event Showings
9 – 11 March, 6.30pm
Ticketed event
RR1, State Theatre Centre of WA, 174-176 William St
Perth WA 6000
ACROD Parking
Wheelchair access