High School Musical Junior 1 and 2 | Visit Perth
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High School Musical Junior 1 and 2

Adrenaline presents High School Musical and High School Musical 2 at the Perth Town Hall On Sat 24th and Sunday 25th September 2022.
High School Musical Junior is a fresh new take on what you may have seen if You have seen High School Musical Productions in Perth - Some characters you know and some that are new to the scene . Adrenalines adaptation of High School Musical Junior and 2 is fresh and relevant; A must see School holiday activity for the whole family.
The  first act is High School musical Junior and the Second Act is High School Musical 2 so you are actually getting two musicals for the price of 1 ! 

 Adrenaline are passionate about providing experiences and shaping the next generation of superstars! We have given all our junior students the chance to be lead roles and our senior students a mentoring opportunity. Our junior cast comprises of children from 6 to 11 years old and they will perform both Saturday and Sunday Matinee 11am.  the senior cast will perform in the evening shows and our seniors and aged from 12 to 17 ( with and adult cameo or two )

The town Hall is 
wheelchair friendly and easily accessable from public transport 

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    Event Showings

    24th and 25th September 11am - Matinee performance ( Junior Cast ages 6-11) 4pm. -Afternoon Performance ( Senior cast 12-17)

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    Ticketed event

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    601 Hay Street

    Perth WA 6000

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    Wheelchair access
