1) Ditch the plastic bag 

Be prepared! Keep a few reusable bags in your car, at work and in your handbag (there’s even purse-sized bags for emergencies!) Or, if you’re planning a bigger shop – why not take a few cardboard boxes? You’ll be surprised how much you’ll be able to fit, and as a bonus, you’ll get a great arm workout! 

2) Say goodbye to the plastic drink bottle and get creative

With so many refillable water bottles in the market these days, there’s no need to buy single-use plastic water bottles. Not keen to buy a new bottle? That’s ok! Why not rescue a glass bottle (or jar) from your recycling bin? Using a refillable water bottle will save you money and the environment.

If you ever forget to bring your water bottle, don’t panic. You can find a fountain around our beautiful city, or purchase a glass bottle of water and reuse it.